Strong Posture & Chiropractic Care in Vernon
Strong Posture & Chiropractic
Care in Vernon

Written by Dr. Deane Studer, DC
Research in the field of neuroscience has exploded in the past 10 years. The insights into the intricate details of how your brain and body communicate are truly exposing the amazing benefits of a chiropractic treatment or adjustment.
Many of you may not really grasp the all-encompassing effects of a chiropractic treatment by a doctor trained specifically in the human spine. Chiropractors in training take many courses including neurology, biomechanics, kinesiology, neuroanatomy, embryology, and neurophysiology. To fully understand how to move specifically one spinal bone amongst the 24 movable bones in the spine, chiropractors in Vernon must learn many facets of spinal movement patterns.
Let's look into some of the insights that neuroscience has exposed when routine spinal maintenance adjustments are performed by a chiropractor or spine doctor. It's important to understand the process in which a spinal adjustment can positively impact the nervous system. It may come to your surprise that specific spinal treatments performed by a chiropractor have scientific data supporting the benefits. Our profession is continually advancing chiropractic research to validate the tremendous health benefits gained by individuals who receive this unique and incredible art of spinal adjustments.
The importance of good spinal function should not be taken lightly. Don't fall into the trap or be fooled by fate: "My parents have bad backs, so I guess I will too?" Spinal problems, big or small, should be a priority due to how they influence your posture and nervous system over the course of your life.
As Charles N R Henderson notes in The Basis for Spinal Manipulation: Chiropractic Perspective of Indications and Theory: “When spinal bones can't move in ways they were designed to move a subtle domino effect happens and creates a dysfunctional spinal segment or a ‘vertebral subluxation’. This term simply means a spinal vertebra not moving at full capacity which then shifts the structural support of your body.
Scott Haldeman explains in “Neurologic Effects of the Adjustment” that this can also trigger health-related problems due to the neurological communication within the spine. That specific area in the spine not moving properly has delicate nerves, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, cerebral spinal fluid, water-loving spinal discs, cartilage cells, and the bones all now receiving altered motion patterns. That now changes how your brain interprets the overall instability of that vertebrae supporting your upright posture. The ability to sustain adequate daily motion patterns over a lifetime means taking care of the parts of your spine.
The 24 movable bones in your spine are part and parcel of your skeletal support system. The demands of life equate to stress and strain on your spinal structures which necessitates the need for ongoing maintenance, or failure when stressed is inevitable.
I encourage you to have your spine checked by a professional who understands the unique and amazing ways your spine can lift you up to your full potential. Dr. Deane has studied spinal biomechanics through Chiropractic Biophysics seminars, neurology seminars through the Carrick Institute, and muscle and ligaments through certification in Active Release Techniques.
Call 250-275-7616 to make an appointment with Dr. Deane.
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8:00am - 8:15pm
8:00am - 8:15pm
8:00am - 8:15pm
8:00am - 8:15pm
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10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 4:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
Arise Chiropractic and Wellness
100 Kalamalka Lake Road #7
Vernon, BC V1T 9G1
Chiro / Massage:
(250) 275-7616
(250) 309-1346
(250) 275-7618