Spinal Inflammation in Vernon: Trust Your Body
Spinal Inflammation in Vernon: Trust Your Body

Contrary to popular belief, the inflammation of spinal joints, which causes neck and back pain, is integral to healing. This inflammation is an active process that your body sets in place to heal itself. Pain is often a part of this process and is a consequence of the steps taken by your body to warn you of an underlying problem. If inflammation and pain didn't occur, your body simply couldn't heal the injury. See how chiropractic care in Vernon can help subside your inflammation.
In medical circles, this type of inflammation is often seen as THE problem, and drugs are given to reduce or eliminate it artificially, without any consideration as to WHY your body is trying to inflame and heal an area of your body. When your body has a specific reaction, it is more prudent to understand WHY it is setting that reaction in motion. For example, if you ate some tainted food and suddenly felt the urge to vomit, would you run to your doctor for nausea drugs that would stop this reaction? Obviously it would be more appropriate to let your body do its job, because expelling the toxin is more in tune with what it needs. Fever is another example, something most people fear terribly. They have been told that as soon as a child gets a fever, they should be rushed to the doctor for fever-reducing drugs. However, it just so happens that your body raises its temperature as a specifically designed response to create an inhospitable environment for bacteria and viruses. That's what helps kill the infection!
Avoid Taking Drugs For Inflammation in Vernon BC
As you can see, many of the common conditions people experience are wrongly countered by drugs that are antagonistic to the body's own defense mechanisms. They suppress the very symptoms that are designed to HELP you. This can often result in longer healing times and more damage done in the long run, not to mention often dangerous side effects. Of course, that doesn't mean drugs should never be taken again; it just means that vigilance should be used before any tablet is swallowed.
It also means that we should give the body more time to heal itself before we intervene. Of course, I wouldn't be the first to suggest this. It is well known that many infections, given the same time that an antibiotic prescription would work over, say 7-10 days, would be enough time for the body to handle the infection on its own. We generally need to show the body more patience, and we needn't be so quick to "treat" every problem as it arises. Our quick-fix, fast-paced world can translate into pulling the trigger with interventions perhaps too quickly, putting the body at further risk that may not be necessary.
In Chiropractic philosophy, spinal inflammation and pain is seen as a sign that tissue irritation is taking place and its cause is given thorough consideration. It's often caused by vertebra that have lost their normal alignment, pinching delicate connective and nerve tissue that supports the spine. Re-establishing normal alignment through careful spinal adjustments restores mobility and reduces this nerve pressure, putting the body back in harmony. That is why Chiropractic care has proven to be so successful and why millions of people seek this treatment.
If your toe was inflaming due to an ingrown toenail, would you take an anti-inflammatory and call it a day, letting the underlying problem fester and worsen? Or would you have a doctor cut out the crooked toenail and help with tissue alignment? And so when your back or neck inflames due to an underlying spinal misalignment, a bone that is out of place putting pressure on or pinching delicate nerves tucked inside, would you accept the same drug-masking treatment while the problem worsens?
Doesn't it make sense that a physical problem (spinal misalignment causing back pain) would require a physical solution (Chiropractic adjustment that realigns the vertebra), not a chemical one?
To schedule a chiropractic adjustment at Arise Chiropractic and Wellness in Vernon, call our team at (250) 275-7616 today!
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10:00am - 6:00pm
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10:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
Arise Chiropractic and Wellness
100 Kalamalka Lake Road #7
Vernon, BC V1T 9G1
Chiro / Massage:
(250) 275-7616
(250) 309-1346
(250) 275-7618