Back-to-School Stress
Back-to-School Stress

Written by Dr. Sabine Hagen, RCRT ~ Vernon Chiropractor
Summer is winding down, the days are getting shorter, school is just around the corner, and the transition to fall has begun.
With all the planning, organizing, scheduling and juggling everyday activities, back-to-school can create stress for both parents and their children. Stress in small doses can be healthy; however, prolonged stress can start to really wreak havoc on all the systems of the body and lead to chronic anxiety.
More and more children are being diagnosed with depression and behavioral disorders such as ADHD and ADD. Research shows that the symptoms associated with these disorders are often signs that the child is suffering from stress.
Symptoms showing that your child is struggling with stress and anxiety are mood swings, aggression, tantrums, sleep issues, and digestive issues. These are not signs of bad children or bad parenting, but rather signs of an inability to cope.
Some factors that contribute to your child’s increased level of stress are:
- Insufficient sleep
- Overstimulation
- Overanxious or stressed parents
- Over-scheduled childhoods
- Fear of fitting in
Parents struggling with stress may experience symptoms such as headaches, sleep issues, neck or back pain, and digestive issues. Some factors that contribute to the increased level of stress in adults are:
- Balancing home life and work life
- Financial issues
- Caring for aging parents
- Balancing children’s schedules
Reflexology is a holistic healing therapy that can be performed for anyone of any age. It has been proven to be an effective treatment for reducing anxiety and stress by improving circulation, relieving tension and promoting balance to all the systems of the body.
If back-to-school is creating stress in your household, try Reflexology in Vernon.
For more information, visit:
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
Arise Chiropractic and Wellness
100 Kalamalka Lake Road #7
Vernon, BC V1T 9G1
Chiro / Massage:
(250) 275-7616
(250) 275-7618